Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why the hell y'all driving so far?

As of this post, we are beginning the second half of our road trip. We are officially leaving California and heading to the great city of Vegas. But back to the story...

We awoke the next morning from our night in San Antonio completely worn out from the night before. Still trying to recover, we rushed to get ready for our conference call with someone back east. We then headed on our longest drive yet... From San Antonio to El Paso, Tx.

Now you may think this drive appeared daunting because of it's sheer length. I mean, an 8 hour drive is a pretty long time. But what really made the trip a crazy one were the following key rules we eventually learned:

(1) "Don't mess with Texas cops"- On our trip we were stopped twice by the police. The first time, we were greeted by a friendly officer who proceeded to demand we get out the car and answer questions like "why the hell y'all driving so far", "y'all drunk or somethin?", and "what the hell you got so many stamps in your passport?" He finally let us go, and of course at no time did he ever tell us why he stopped us.

(2) "50 miles to empty is being rounded up from 5 miles to empty" - halfway through out trek through Texas, we came across a large stretch where for more than 30 miles there was no gas station. No worries. Our reliable Ford Escort said we had 50 miles to empty. Then 40. Then 30. Before we knew it, there was 1 mile until empty and we were still 10 miles from the nearest station. Let's just say things got really interesting...

(3) "AT&T covers 97% of Americans... Unless you have AT&T" - throughout this drive, we began to realize just how unawesome an iphone is when there is no reception. This really got us worried when we began to wonder if we would actually make it to the next gas station.

We finally arrived in El Paso at around 10:00 Mountain Standard Time. Too tired to priceline a hotel and too poor to get a nie one, we finally settled on a Travelodge for the night. After what would would happen the next day, we were definitely grateful for the hotel bed...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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