Monday, March 14, 2011

Introducing- El Caramello Loco

In case you haven't heard the shades of brown is a three person band. We have (in descending order of 'browness') chocolate huggy bear (Mel ) brown sugar (yours truly) and finally El Caramello Loco - or crazy caramel (en anglais) - Alfonso Puente.

For those of you not yet acquainted with El Loco, rest assured that the name is well deserved. Despite his many antics everyone who comes into contact with the Fons can attest that it is pretty damn hard to get mad at him, cause he's, well, special.

In order to greet our fearless leader we woke up at 5 30 from our cozy Sheraton beds and headed to San Diego all the while gunning the engine so as to reach there on time. That was true until we turned a corner and saw what appeared to be a range of mountains which on closer observation were just piles of Boulders. It was like god was stacking pebbles into triangular shapes, only his pebbles were more like the size of our car. This bore closer inspection.

So got off the highway and turned into Boulder national park (again with the apt names). It turns out that boulders don't like to be climbed, they're pretty damn smooth, that it until they scrape your knee, and arrange themselves in such a way that you either make matrix style moves to cross from one to the other or have to navigate each rock painstakingly. Turns out we didn't watch "The Matrix" enough times.

So though it took us longer than anticipated the band was finally reunited in San Diego.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:San Diego, CA

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