Thursday, March 10, 2011

Doing ATL the Korean way!

Ford seems to have put a lot of thought into designing and building the focus. The car has a range of beeps from the plaintive you're running low on fuel to a full blown tantrum if we forget to buckle up or leave the lights on. It's so high and light that the slightest gust of wind has it dancing all over the road. And the gas pedal seems to respond on it's own whim. So the road trip begins auspiciously with Mel (now if this name conjures up an image of a pretty Melanie you're in for a surprise) the proud owner of an infinity G 35 cursing every time our moody focus decides to bleat at him.

Fortunately we figured out how to unlock the cars speed control system, that cut down on the bleating a bit. Maybe she is growing on us, even the parents of the most obnoxious kid love it, right?

So ATL with the brief tour of the college town of Athens.

Our gracious host, business magnate, dj extrordinare, Kenny and the soon-to-be multi millionaire dentist James made us believe that perhaps we should have been born Korean (for all you MBAs correlation does mean causality).

The women at the Asian club that we got into (for free! Go Kenny!) had us revisiting our sorrow at having round eyes. Rum and coke, even if it is $12 per drink seemed like a good solution to our misery. The medicine had a way of weeding out the untrue, while it proceeded to lift our spirits James, with no misery to drown was punished with a severe hangover the next day.

We returned in high spirits.... Not a bad start!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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