Saturday, March 19, 2011

Of the blues, the lights and walkabouts

It's St. Party's Day and we reach Memphis at a reasonable hour and with some energy in reserve, a welcome change from the past few days. Determined to have a few drinks to celebrate we headed to downtown Memphis not expecting to see too much.

We were greeted however by Beale street dressed up in bright florescent hues, blocked off to traffic but carrying an army of youth enjoying their drinks on the street. It was a flashback to Mardi Gras (without the flashing). All our weariness disappeared as we couldn't help but be infected by the high energy environment.

Sauntering into BB Kings Blues Cafe we were treated to an outstanding performance by the band which had the whole club dancing clapping and hooting. The Guinness and Whiskey only further fueled the crowd. When the club closed we headed out into the streets to listen to a few more bands who were good, but what caught our attention was a four foot tall glass filled with an electric blue and apparently potent libation(everyone who had one was pleasantly stumbling along the road. We had to have one, armed with our own walkabout we continued our exploration of Beale street where we bumped into a variety of interesting people.

Mel in particular seemed to be in luck, a blonde dressed in green stuck to him, now feeling his muscles, now laughing at his jokes. If she were 30 years younger and an equal no of pounds lighter she may have been quite a catch. But Mel seemed pretty engrossed in deep conversation leaving me alone with the drink, not a good idea. Having consumed a sufficient amount I mustered up the courage to break up their love chat, after all I needed someone to drive me to the hotel.

Memphis really was a pleasant surprise!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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