Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Closes at 8:46?? Part 2

The next morning Ruti and I woke up and met up with our friends Ming Hung, Mason, Zedong, and Philip at a crawfish restaurant. Once again we were shocked. How can four small Asian guys (ok Zedong is kinda big), eat 10 pounds of crawfish, 2 crabs, Calamari, gumbo soup, and a pitcher of beer in one sitting? At 11 in the morning???

We begin to notice a trend with this whole asian thing. Anyway, we were grateful we could use their hotel showers (thanks guys!) so they can eat as much as they want.

Afterward, we toured The Lower Ninth Ward, then saw one of the famed Mardi Gras parades.

Ruti had never been to one before but apparently doesn't like them. We then checked out a few jazz bars and called it a night.

We woke up the next morning and headed to San Antonio Texas. What was most surprising was that although we were shivering just a few days earlier, we now found ourselves sweating through our shirts. In other words, San Antonio is HUMID!

We went out to the river walk that night and were pretty amazed by the eclectic group of people out there. And by eclectic I mean just white and Hispanic. It didn't matter. We went out to a couple of bars and a few mixed drinks later found out how much of a lightweight Ruti is. He may talk a big game, but he can't back it up... (ok maybe it's the opposite)


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:New Orleans and San Antonio

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