Thursday, March 17, 2011

All of the lights! Part 2

Well the answer is, not so good...

On the night that we arrived, we mostly played around with little games, making a bit here and losing a bit there. But in the end, we ended up losing $30 each for a total of $60.

So the next day, we were determined! We were getting our money back! The first thing we did was stake out our prime location: The Bellagio. But not really to play. Instead it was to eat. And boy was it a good buffet! Imagine your favorite BBQ, Italian, Asian, and American food places put together under one roof. That's the Bellagio Buffet.

So after eating so much that we thought we would have to puke just to start walking, we staked our second prime location: the Bellagio Casino.

We walk into the place, and spot the Craps table.

"How do you play?" I ask the dealer
"Well, you put money down, he throws the dice, and you win money."

Hmm, sounds easy enough. So, Ruti, Alfonso and I pull out $100 and say "Chip me!"

Well it turns out its not all that easy. BUT, somehow we ended with over $200 walking away! Not only that, we were getting free drinks the whole time! This was the most awesome day ever!

We take our winnings, and head over to the discount tickets place. Still high over our winnings, we drop $70 each on a Cirque du Soleil performance. So how was it? Interesting question... It was kind of a cross between really awesome gymnastics, really boring music, and really weird characters. For example, one was a 200 pound baby. But there were amazing acts. In one awesome act, one man balanced another man on his feet, while moving from lying on his back to his stomach. Very weird, yet strangely awesome.

So, still high from our wins, we decide to play Craps again! Bad mistake. Within 30 minutes we lost all of our profits. Even now, four days later, I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how that happened...

Dejected, we walked out of Treasure Island. But as we exited the door, a strange resolve came over us. We came to Vegas to be winners! Not losers! We were going back one last time. And this time we would take our money from Bellagio! We marched toward the entrance, blasting the Black Eyed Peas "Just Can't Get Enough" the entire way. Then we pushed open the doors...

So how did we do? Read the next post to find out ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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